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Whatever age we are, it’s important to consider our future. As part of your day to day life you will most likely plan ahead to some degree and, on the whole, the choices you make are entirely yours. You make plans for where you are going to live and work and some plan for a family or to travel. Part of this involves making a judgement and choosing what is right for you. Everyone who is over 16 years old in Scotland is presumed to have ‘legal capacity’, which means you are capable of making your own decisions.
One of the most significant decisions you can make in your life is to put in place a Power of Attorney while you still have that choice. If you do not plan ahead for the possibility that you cannot make important decisions for yourself (or need help to do so), the chance to legally state your wishes has gone. The consequences of not doing anything are wide-ranging and could ultimately lead to a lot of distress for both yourself and those who want to help you.
Information is available to guide you through how to prevent this from happening by drawing up a Power of Attorney. You may be looking for information about getting this arranged for yourself, or about becoming an Attorney for someone else. For information and advice call Silver Line Scotland to speak to an adviser on 0800 4 70 80 90 (8am-8pm, Monday – Friday). They can help by talking through the options available for your individual situation and discuss any questions you may have.
Copies of A Guide to Power of Attorney booklet are available at the front desk of the Health Centre or click on the link below for further information on this and advice on many other issues which affect us in later life.
Information Guides (agescotland.org.uk)