Turner Street, Keith, AB55 5DJ
Telephone: 0345 337 9944 | Prescriptions: 01542 881001
We're open
Vacancy for Advanced Nurse Practitioner (3-4 days per week) NOTICE TO PATIENTS – STAFF SHORTAGE Review of our appointment system Antibiotic Amnesty Unused medicine – the costs in NHS Grampian Vacancy for Salaried GP
You do not require a doctor’s medical certificate for any illness lasting 7 days or less. This is covered by a self-certification form (SC2) , which is available from the HMRC website – Statutory Sick Pay Statement SC2 or can be collected from reception. If your illness persists after 7 days your employer can ask you for medical evidence of this to support payment of SSP (statutory sick pay). This is usually in the form of a “not fit to work certificate” (sick note) from a medical practitioner. This may require a telephone or face to face appointment. Practice staff will be able to advise you.
Ongoing/longer term sick notes may be requested via administrative staff, and a message will be sent to the GP to review the request.
Please allow 2 working days for the sick note to be ready. This will be emailed or posted to you.
Fitness or return to work certificates are NOT normally issued. If your employer insists upon one, there will be a private charge which they should pay.