Turner Street, Keith, AB55 5DJ
Telephone: 0345 337 9944 | Prescriptions: 01542 881001
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As part of the wider primary care team, community midwives, district nurses and health visitors work closely with the GPs, to provide a wide range of services to our patients from the cradle to the grave. A team approach is taken to patient care.
Community Midwife:
Connie Sims
Community midwives are responsible for planning, managing and delivering care during pregnancy and childbirth. This involves helping women and their families to learn about pregnancy and the processes of childbirth.
They advise on healthy lifestyle choices, run ante-natal classes, monitor the baby during labour and birth and provide postnatal care. Midwives may also have to provide support and advice about miscarriage, stillbirth, terminations and neonatal abnormalities.
Antenatal care is shared between the community midwife, the GPs and your hospital consultant. Routine antenatal clinics are held at the surgery. The Community Midwife will also visit you at home after your baby is born. Your postnatal check at 6-8 weeks is carried out by the GP. To make an appointment to see the midwife at the surgery, please telephone: 0345 337 9944.
Health Visiting Team: 01542 881009
Fiona Cruden – Health Visitor and Practice Teacher
Bethany Wood – Health Visitor
Pauline Dick – Nursery Nurse
A health visitor is a qualified nurse (or midwife) who has completed specialist training in child and family health. They offer support and advice regarding the wellbeing of your child until the school years. Your health visitor will visit you and your baby in your home, and provide you with specialist advice on a range of health and wellbeing topics such as immunisations, breast-feeding, formula feeding, weaning, bed-wetting, rashes, head lice, behavioural problems and minor ailments.
Community Nursing Team: 01542 881008
Nicola Paterson – District Nurse Team Leader
Nicola and the team of community nurses and healthcare assistants also work from our site. The team manages care within the community, rather than in a hospital or doctor’s surgery. They visit house-bound patients and provide the necessary advice and care regarding wound management, continence care, catheter care and palliative care amongst others. They also provide support for carers. They work very closely with the GPs, social services, hospitals and other healthcare staff to provide a service tailored to meet individual needs.
For more information on the work of the Community Nurses, click here