Turner Street, Keith, AB55 5DJ
Telephone: 0345 337 9944 | Prescriptions: 01542 881001
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Vacancy for Advanced Nurse Practitioner (3-4 days per week) NOTICE TO PATIENTS – STAFF SHORTAGE Review of our appointment system Antibiotic Amnesty Unused medicine – the costs in NHS Grampian Vacancy for Salaried GP
In addition to the clinics and services offered by the team at the health centre, there are several visiting professionals offering additional services to our patients.
The First Contact Practitioner is a physiotherapist who works independently within our practice to assess, diagnose and plan the management of patients with new presentations of musculoskeletal conditions. The FCP will support the GPs by offering a second opinion and advice where required. The clinician will aim to manage your condition within the initial consultation. If you require ongoing physiotherapy you will be offered onward referral to the core physiotherapy service. Our FCP runs a clinic at Keith Health Centre every second Tuesday.
For further details on how to access physiotherapy services, please click on the link below:-
The dementia/frailty nurse works part-time at the health centre and assists the practice team in identifying patients who are perhaps struggling because of frailty or who are showing early signs of dementia. This nurse can offer a holistic assessment and signpost the patient to the appropriate services to get any additional support and care that is required.
The frailty nurse may make contact by telephone, face to face appointment, or if required, via a home visit.
Please ask at reception for further details.
The Mental Health & Wellbeing Practitioner’s role is to take a holistic approach to a person’s health and wellbeing, including education/health promotion, signposting and connecting people to appropriate community groups and to statutory services. Practitioners will provide an assessment and triage which can be carried out over the telephone, video conferencing or face to face appointment within the health centre. They can also meet in other suitable premises by agreement. The aim of the service is to empower people to take control of their health and wellbeing, build resilience and shift the focus back to what matters to them.
Practtitioners will work closely with the health centre multidisciplinary team and will maintain strong relationships with the primary care psychological therapies service and the community mental health team. Onward referral to secondary care services, where necessary, would be undertaken by the GP.
Practitioners will also work closely with local organisations and groups to strengthen resilience both on a community and a personal level, and to reduce health and wellbeing inequalities by addressing the wider factors which affect health, such as debt, poor housing and physical inactivity, by trying to increase people’s active involvement within their local communities.
Click on the link below to find out exactly what this service can do for you:-