Turner Street, Keith, AB55 5DJ
Telephone: 0345 337 9944 | Prescriptions: 01542 881001
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Vacancy for Advanced Nurse Practitioner (3-4 days per week) NOTICE TO PATIENTS – STAFF SHORTAGE Review of our appointment system Antibiotic Amnesty Unused medicine – the costs in NHS Grampian Vacancy for Salaried GP
If you are ill whilst away from home on holiday or on business and need to receive treatment for a medical condition, you can register as a temporary patient with a practice for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the practice list and still remain a patient of your usual GP. Simply contact a local practice for advice about this. Please be aware that you cannot register as a temporary patient anywhere within reasonable distance of your own practice, and that practices are not obliged to accept you on to their list.
Temporary registration expires after 3 months, at which point you will have to reapply or register permanently with that practice.
If you have run out of medication whilst away from home, and are registered with a Scottish GP practice, you can attend any community pharmacy who will be able to help you without the need to be seen by a GP.