Turner Street, Keith, AB55 5DJ
Telephone: 0345 337 9944 | Prescriptions: 01542 881001
We're open
Vacancy for Advanced Nurse Practitioner (3-4 days per week) NOTICE TO PATIENTS – STAFF SHORTAGE Review of our appointment system Antibiotic Amnesty Unused medicine – the costs in NHS Grampian Vacancy for Salaried GP
Nurses with specialised training
Mrs Laura Murgatroyd— Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) – BSc Nursing, RGU 2009, MSc Non medical prescribing, RGU 2018, MSc Advanced Nursing Practice 2021.
Mrs Gillian Walker— Primary Care Specialist Nurse – RGN Aberdeen 1992, Qualified in Minor Illness and Minor Injuries and in the Care of Injured/Sick child. Non medical prescribing 2021 (UHI).
These very experienced nurses assist the GPs with their workload, triaging calls, offering consultations for a wide range of conditions and carrying out home visits.
Practice Nursing Team
Practice Nurses
Our practice nurses, Heather Petrie and Dani Burgess undertake a wide range of nursing procedures, including INR testing, dopplers and dressings, as well as running chronic disease monitoring clinics.
Health Care Assistant
Judith Mitchell, Jackie Reid and Louise Stewart are fully trained phlebotomists with additional skills. They take bloods, check blood pressures, discuss patient lifestyle and also perform ECGs.