Turner Street, Keith, AB55 5DJ
Telephone: 0345 337 9944 | Prescriptions: 01542 881001
We're open
Vacancy for Advanced Nurse Practitioner (3-4 days per week) NOTICE TO PATIENTS – STAFF SHORTAGE Review of our appointment system Antibiotic Amnesty Unused medicine – the costs in NHS Grampian Vacancy for Salaried GP
If you feel that you require a home visit or need to see or speak with a GP or nurse urgently ie that day, you should contact the surgery between 8am –10.00am. Reception staff will ask about the nature of the problem and pass this to the emergency triage team. You will then receive a call back and will be given advice or allocated an appointment as appropriate.
If you phone after 10.00am morning triage will be finished and you will be asked to call back between 2pm-3.30pm to discuss a condition that cannot wait until the next day. This is to allow GPs time to complete morning surgery, attend hospital patients, carry out home visits and catch up on tasks such as checking test results and hospital referrals.
Some examples of emergencies requiring hospital attendance are:-
We recommend that patients living in rural areas keep a note of their postcode or six figure grid reference to assist the Scottish Ambulance Service in finding their address urgently. It would also be helpful to give instructions on accessing more remote addresses.